Preschool Language Scales Manual Appendix

Preschool (Ages 1½-5) Assessments

Preschool Language Scales Manual Appendix 1


Also see Observational Assessment of Children (TOF)

PLS™-5 Administration and Scoring Manual. $ 197.10 Add; PLS™-5 Picture Manual. $ 298.55 Add; PLS™-5 Examiner's Manual. $ 103.80 Add; PLS-5: Record Forms. $ 298.55 Pkg of 50. This product is a sample report for the Preschool Language Scales-5, (PLS-5). The PLS-5 is composed of two sub-scales that examine a child’s auditory comprehension and expressive communication skills.This particular evaluation was for a 2 year, 10 month old child diagnosed with Down syndrome. The Edmonton Manual: Approach to the OSCE Patrick Vallance download Z-Library. Download books for free. On average, scores on the PLS-5 are 1 point lower on the AC scale, 1.5 points lower on the EC scale, and 1 point lower on the Total Language score in this study. We realize that if a child receives PLS-5 standard scores that are even one point higher than PLS-4 standard scores that were borderline (e.g., 77), the child may no longer meet the. While all preschool children who were initially evaluated on or after March 1, 2006 and found eligible for preschool special education programs and/or services are required to have entry assessment results, exit assessments only need to be conducted for preschool children with disabilities who stop receiving preschool special education services.


The preschool forms and profiles span ages 1½-5 years. The forms obtain parents’, daycare providers’, and teachers’ ratings of 99 problem items plus descriptions of problems, disabilities, what concerns respondents most about the child, and the best things about the child.

The empirically based syndromes scored from the CBCL/1½-5 and C-TRF reflect actual patterns of problems derived from factor analyses that were coordinated between the two instruments. The CBCL/1½-5 also has a Sleep Problems syndrome. Both forms have parallel Internalizing, Externalizing, and Total Problems scales and a Stress Problems scale.

Based on over 30,000 CBCLs and C-TRFs from 30 societies, the Module with Multicultural Options for Ages 1½-5 scores problem scales with norms for societies that have relatively low problem scores (Group 1 societies), intermediate scores (Group 2), or high scores (Group 3). Select societies by name or select Group 1, 2, or 3 norms for profiles of syndrome, DSM-oriented, Internalizing, Externalizing, and Total Problems scales.

Preschool language scales manual appendix 1

You can also select norms for displaying scale scores in cross-informant bar graphs for multiple CBCLs and C-TRFs per child. Scores from each form can even be displayed in relation to more than one set of norms; e.g., display scores from a CBCL completed by an immigrant parent with norms for the parent’s home society and the host society. You can then see whether scores are clinically deviant according to either or both sets of norms.

The Multicultural Supplement to the Manual for the ASEBA Preschool Forms and Profiles fully documents construction of the multicultural norms for the CBCL/1½-5 and C-TRF. The Supplement illustrates multicultural scoring, cross-informant comparisons, and practical applications in school, mental health, medical, and forensic contexts. The Supplement also reports multicultural findings for confirmatory factor analyses, internal consistencies, cross-informant correlations, and distributions of scale scores. Updates are provided for the Language Development Survey (LDS) of the CBCL/1½-5. Research guidelines and extensive reviews of research on the instruments are also provided, plus a bibliography of over 300 publications reporting their use with young children.

Language Development Survey (LDS)

Preschool Language Scales Manual Appendix 2

An especially valuable feature of the CBCL/1½-5 is the LDS, which uses parents’ reports to assess children’s expressive vocabularies and word combinations, as well as risk factors for language delays. Developed by Dr. Leslie Rescorla, the LDS has been used in numerous studies of language problems. (For references, see the Bibliography of Published Studies Using the ASEBA.) Based on our national normative sample, the LDS indicates whether a child’s vocabulary and word combinations are delayed relative to norms for ages 18-35 months. The LDS can also be completed for language-delayed older children for comparison with norms up to 35 months.


Preschool CBCL 1½-5-LDS and C-TRF Scales

Syndrome Scales


Emotionally Reactive; Anxious/Depressed; Somatic Complaints; Withdrawn; Sleep Problems (CBCL only); Attention Problems; Aggressive Behavior.

DSM-Oriented Scales

These scales comprise CBCL/1½-5-LDS and C-TRF items that experienced psychiatrists and psychologists from many cultures rated as being very consistent with DSM-5 diagnostic categories: Depressive Problems; Anxiety Problems; Autism Spectrum Problems; Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Problems; Oppositional Defiant Problems.

Revisions of Forms:

In 2000, we revised the Child Behavior Checklist/2-3 (CBCL/2-3) and Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF) to span ages 1½-5. Two items in the CBCL/2-3 that were unscored or rare were replaced on the CBCL/1½-5-LDS with items that sharpen assessment of important syndromes: 51. Overweight was replaced by 51. Shows panic for no good reason and 79. Stores up things was replaced by 79. Rapid shifts between sadness and excitement.

Preschool Language Scales Manual Appendix

The following Preschool (1½-5) materials are available: